Wednesday, May 20, 2009

10 Things I DISLIKE

1.worms (eww....) lol
2.boring days :( room dirty
4.geting sick.........
5.being alone
6.losing a friend
7. brocalli
9.seeing people get hurt

Monday, March 9, 2009

Live the Present but don forget the past

Well yesterday I went to a place were I had past must of mype childhood it was the best time of my life when I was there everything I saw was a memory the piano was one of the must because its been there for years when I played it. It was like each memory that I had left was coming back to me. And when I went on the swing i rembered when my cousin and sisters made a "movie" I just cant belive that I forgot about the past when it has so many cheerful memorys that I would never want to forget I would want to stay there forever but theres everything in Panorama City I have my family and friends there but all i have of there is cheerful memorys that go throught my head.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

CHECK IT OUT I just went to this website and people from all over the world actualtaly post how they fell

Monday, February 16, 2009


I would love to travel to england, and london this is big ben at night it looks so amazing and beutiful!!!!